This is the Jockey

The Secure 2.0 Act: Empowering Business Owners to Craft a Secure Retirement Future
As an investor or business owner, you meticulously cultivate your financial landscape, meticulously balancing present growth with the looming realities of future needs. Retirement planning often occupies...
Why Shorter-Term Bonds Are a Strategic Move for Investors in a Shifting Interest Rate Landscape
With the Federal Reserve (Fed) hinting at potential interest rate cuts by year-end, many high-net-worth investors are reevaluating their fixed-income portfolios. In this evolving scenario, shorter-duration...
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Market Momentum: Riding the Quality Wave, But Where's the Next Stop?
The financial markets of late 2023 and early 2024 have been a rollercoaster ride. While concerns about inflation and central bank tightening lingered, a distinct trend emerged – the resurgence of momentum...
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Correction time?
In last week’s hot topic Tuesday, I wrote about how the market appeared to be red hot and, based on the historical data and valuations, may have been a bit overdue for a correction. Now a week later we...
Is the Stock Market Topping Out or Broadening Out? Navigating Mixed Signals in a Data-Driven Landscape
The S&P 500’s impressive run since October 2023, with a 20% surge as of February 27, 2024, has left investors wondering if the market is reaching a peak or poised for further expansion. While...
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